5 Interesting Facts from the Article:

1.) Herbicide has scientists questioning if it may have unintended consequences.

2.) ABCB4, a protein moving auxin into cells.

3.)ABCB4, also removes auxin when hormone is to accumulated.

4.)If plants give a wrong signal, auxin may be taken away for no reason.

5.) The plants roots are very effected because water and minerals all go to the roots of plants.

Summary of Article (3-5 sentences):

This article was about the very popluar herbicide ABCB4, that moves auxin into cells but also removes them if the hormone (auxin) is to accumulated. The worry of this is if the plants need more auxin, but gives off the wrong signal but its not really the plants fault.. How is it going to get more of the well needed hormone auxin. This worrys scientists and others because this very much affects the plants roots. The roots of a plant are the most important thing to a plant. The roots hold all of the water and minerals, also gives them a place to enter. Will scientists find out more about this, we may never know?
